

Episode Summary

I wasn't going to post this.

Episode Notes

This episode walks through the story of what made me fall in love with Islam. 

Initially, I felt that this episode did not meet my standards. For a variety of reasons but particularly in regards to the insights I share towards the end on what really made Islam pierce my heart. I wanted to get every detail narrated, a full timeline, a full depiction of all events. But then I remembered something obvious - I'm neither a scholar, nor a historian. I will eternally have so much to learn. I'm a human, inherently designed with imperfections. All I can do is share what I think and how I perceive. If I don't allow myself to freestyle here, where will I?

If anything, let this plant a seed. Learn about what happened. Learn from people who know much more than I ever will. Listen with an open heart. 

Humanize us. 

If there are any mistakes or misunderstandings in my conclusions or delivery, please correct me with adab.